第506章 你也相信我,对吧?(1 / 2)







“thank goddess…”温颂看着依旧完好无损的设备,和前几次实验一模一样的验算结果,甚至还有新的发现,忍不住笑了,笑容有点欣慰,却也有苦涩,“hope I’m still alive to win the Nobel prize.”




“阿澈…你也许已经知道,现在发生了什么,我很抱歉,我在尽我最大的努力解决所有问题。我爱你,但是,I’m sorry, there might be something, we can’t predict or don’t want, would happen, as well. So you must remember everything I say following, and tell them to Artemis.”


想到程澈听到这段语音的反应,温颂觉得她现在的行为实在有点过于残忍,却也无可奈何,强忍着泪水和悲痛,继续说了下去,“Cross-sectional area of SIDM particles, the maximum and minimum, are 9.876 cm/2 and 0.821 cm/2, respectively as accurate as it gets, continuing the calculations would be meaningless. Other related data and experiment results are all recorded in the notes, pictures stored in my phone, if the internet system could be repaired, those pictures would upload to iCloud immediately, Roche you know the account and password.”


“Another thing we ignored, but the detector found, dark matter energy and the star's own energy, not a linear inversely proportional trend. Detection data show when the dark matter energy density reaches about 0.003J/m3, that is, the cross-sectional area in about 9.7cm2/g, annihilation of the critical point, the fusion of stellar internals will also reach the peak. Then